Posted by Ward Cedar Log Homes in Home Design/Square Footage Lighting Log Homes
Get Smart
Innovations in smart home products mean you can enjoy your home more, work and worry less.
There are plenty of reasons for choosing a log or timber home — you appreciate the look and feel of natural wood, you want a place to connect with friends or family, the list goes on — but underlying them all is one ultimate goal: you want to enjoy your everyday life. That’s why we are so on board with the latest home technology. These smart products make the perfect accompaniment to log or timber home living, reducing time spent on menial tasks and making more room for what matters most.
Here, in no particular order, are the top areas to turn your house into a connected home:
Lighting: Having to walk from room to room to switch lights off or on may seem like a small inconvenience — until you experience the freedom of controlling them with a push of a button on your smart phone or with a simple command to your smart speaker. In addition to turning them off and on, you can also set mood lighting by adjusting dimness and even color. Connected bulbs are also a savvy investment for those with a log or timber getaway. You can set the lights to switch on as soon as you pull into the driveway, as well as adjust them to turn on and off automatically to mimic activity in the home while you’re away.
Security: Keeping your log cabin or timber home safe and secure is undoubtedly at the top of your priority list. Smart home devices allow you to do that with ease. Smart locks use biometric technology, making the need for keys a thing of the past. They can also offer offline access codes that can be shared with guests and send you alerts to let you know if a door is open. Video cameras, available in both wireless and wired options, allow you to survey your home’s surroundings; some come equipped with two-way audio technology so that you can interact with anyone who comes a-knockin’.
Temperature Control: Did you know that about half of your household’s energy usage is likely tied to heating and cooling? While our cedar logs and timbers offer superior insulating abilities, you can reduce energy consumption even further with a smart thermostat. Many on the market will allow you to control specific rooms in your home, and automatically adjust using settings when you leave or arrive home for optimal cost savings and comfort.
Cleaning: “I want to build the log or timber home of my dreams so I can spend more time cleaning,” said no one ever. Connected cleaning products, such as a wireless robotic vacuum or mop will keep your hardwood, tile and even low-pile carpeted floors spic and span with minimal effort. And, to ensure your beautiful views stay clear and streak-free, there is even a window cleaning robot that operates via remote control. The bottom line: clean smarter, not harder.
Contact us today to begin your log home journey.
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